OCR ICR Services

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) are two key services we offer at India Data Entry Help for organizations who want to transform their hard copy documents into a digital format.IDHelp are committed in providing you with the finest OCR ICR Services.

Digitizing documents in a normal sense would mean scanning the documents and storing them, but these formats are images. Images have particular modifications that can be made to them while in turn take up a larger amount of memory as compared to digital file formats. Since the details in the documents are the actual information and data that should be digitized character recognition systems are the proper solution.

OCR ICR ServicesHere is a summary of the type of documents we are able to digitalis using OCR ICR Services:
  • Hard copy records

  • Archives

  • Periodicals

  • Historical books

  • Old transcripts

The teams we leave in charge of such projects comprise of experienced professional with the correct software system knowledge and resources to produce a successful end result. Such projects come with our seal of quality and promise that we utilize individuals and teams with the best expertise in the field, of who are detailed in their work, while allowing clients to have secured access to their information as it is worked on.

For more information regarding OCR-ICR Services Contact us or drop us an e-mail at [email protected]