India Data Entry Help carries out a variety of back office processes as part of international BPO, among these services is web research and more specifically Address and Email Compilation Services.
Organizations that utilize this service use the information for updating their existing databases, creating new prospective leads and even for researching client demographics. Therefore, the accurate and precise compilation is required and is the key aspect of a successful project. Since individuals physically change locations and therefore their address likewise have to be updated or recorded. While for e-mail addresses an individual may have multiple e-mail addresses else due to change in employment would also result in the allocation of new addresses.
Therefore by engaging a outsource organization such as India Data Entry Help for Address and Email Compilation Services of Web Research projects, the client understands that projects are carried out by the right personnel who are experienced in the field as well as given the best training available. We have also invested heavily in technology so as to equip our personnel with the best tools to further enhance their skills used in running and completing projects.
Projects follow a customized procedure prepared by our management who task a handpicked Project Manager who fits well into the project requirements and expectations.
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<p>Together with the client, they will establish the nature, business requirement, and project expectations; so as to establish a strong foundation for the project. Upon embarking on the project the Project Manager will manage and administer their team to work in the most efficient method so as to meet project goals and completion dates.</p>
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Address compilation from printed documents (Yellow Pages, White Pages, etc.)
Address compilation from internet resources
Address compilation from documents and other open databases
Address compilation from customer updates
E-mail compilation from business cards
E-mail compilation from business directories
E-mail compilation from the internet (Business sites, Corporate sites, etc.)
E-mail compilation from social media sources
Address and E-mail updating
Web Research requires a team with a steady resolve this is exactly what our dedicated Web Professionals have. They are also equipped with the knowledge and the resources to complete projects with a strong emphasis on thoroughness, done with impartiality & security with and an end product with an assured precision. This is taken as a promise made for each and every project tasked to us.
Having absolute customer service availability at Data Entry India is important to us, therefore we want to serve you better by remaining open at all times; throughout the day every day of the year Contact us or drop us an e-mail at [email protected]